Torah blessings reprinted from Siddur Sim Shalom for Shabbat and Festivals ©1998 The Rabbinical Assembly (Reprinted with kind permission of the RA)
Instructions: Those honored with an aliyah are called up to the Torah either by their Hebrew name or the title of the aliyah itself (ie., Koheyn, Levi, Shelishi, etc). Once you are called up, you ascend the bimah and take your place in front of the Torah scroll.
The Torah reader (or ba’al koreh) will point to the place on the scroll where he or she will begin reading. Take the tzitzit (fringes) from a corner of your Tallit and touch them to the place where the Torah reading begins. You then bring the tzitzit to your lips as an expression of love for the Torah. Holding onto the atzei chayim (the Torah handles), you recite the first blessing. The Torah reader will then chant the Torah portion.
After the Torah reader has completed the reading, take your tzitzit and touch them to the place where the Torah reading ended. You then recite the second blessing. The gabbai will instruct your where to stand, and he/she will then make the misheberach prayer honoring you for taking the Torah aliyah.
The Torah Blessings are available for digital download (mp3 audio) via the iTunes Store (See track #1)